Saturday, 3 June 2017

Old Harry to White Nothe Part One: The Birds

Walking the paths that follow the Purbeck cliffs is something that I do on a daily basis and I never get bored! Every now and again though I get the chance to jump on a boat and follow the coast taking photographs of our seabirds from the water instead of the land. This is challenging to say the least, you are constantly fighting against the movement of the boat and the waves as well as the birds themselves. Still, there are far worse ways to spend time and so this is the first part of our story and the real reason for the trip: the seabirds of the South Dorset Coast.
Guillemots are the most numerous, but there are Razerbills, Kittiwakes and a few precious Puffins. This is of course apart from the Herring, Black Backed and Blackheaded Gulls and the superb Sandwich Terns.

Razorbills & Guillemots






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