Monday, 5 April 2010

Busy Bee

Busy Bee, originally uploaded by julian sawyer.

Finally, a beautiful, blue sky day. And all of a sudden people seem to out-number the birds and beasties. I'm not complaining, we need all the visitors we can get, but it does mean that I have to find other places to hide. It also means that as my larger subjects fly, run or slither away I have to concentrate on the smaller residents.


Dominic Gendron said...

Very nice, the details are amazing! :)

Anonymous said...


Linda Yarrow said...

Good picture:)

kirstallcreatures said...

I really like this pic, the dusting of pollen on the bee & on the anthers of the flower is so clear. A good illustration of the relationship between the pollinator and plant.

Quiet but never silent.

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