The Isle of Purbeck is a peninsula on the southern tip of the the county of Dorset in England. The photographs I take, hopefully, help to express how I feel about this magical place and show you things which you may see if you come to visit. I am a full time, professional photographer and have a gallery in Swanage. Please feel free to click on the picture to see it larger or to look at my other photographs.
Monday, 25 February 2013
Like Mother, Like Daughter
Regardless of this, I always enjoy seeing these long settled visitors and getting close to them is very special.
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Low Light, Long Tail
Terrible light over the last few days and so an older shot of a Long Tailed Tit.
A Private Moment
Via Flickr:
Another young Roe deer, which should help to keep the small Purbeck herd going. I always get a buzz when I see these, even though I manage to catch a glimpse most days. There were two here today and that made a rather soggy walk a lot more enjoyable.
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Later Sunsets
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Misty Mornings
It makes the journey to work a little more interesting.
Monday, 18 February 2013
Kingston to Corfe Castle
Yesterday, after discovering just how wet the ground was, we decided to stick to the path, it was a lot less muddy and we got to keep our boots!
Saturday, 16 February 2013
Beach Huts & Blue Skies
I'm like a bear with a sore head when I can't get out with the camera and I have spent the last few days catching up on my walks.
It has also been perfect weather for the next set of photographs for the landslip survey in Swanage Bay. There is still plenty of movement in the cliffs and there are fresh slips happening very regularly, this is keeping the Coastguard busy.
The Swanage Coastguard blog is well worth a look to keep up with them
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Chores For A Rainy Sunday.
No walks today, as rain has stopped play, that means doing the jobs that I have been putting off! Yesterday afternoon was spent making mini canvases (more of that later), this morning I will be putting the picture hanging wire on the backs of the latest batch of A3 canvases.
Friday, 8 February 2013
Thursday, 7 February 2013
More Journeys To Work
Saturday, 2 February 2013
39 Steps....
...then have a breather and tackle the next 125!
Chapman's Pool to Houns Tout is one of the finest walks on the Purbeck.
Mind The First Step, It's A Biggy
Houns Tout is a very special place! On a beautiful clear blue sky day it is even better. From here you can see the Isle of Wight to the east and Portland to the west. As the crow flies, a distance of about 40 miles!
Quiet but never silent.
I missed the Sun this morning, not because I was late but because the early wander was done and dusted by the time the clouds cleared. When...

Slip, Slide And Away , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. These are the kind of shots I would have liked of the wild ...
This morning we headed for the cliffs as the sky was clearer than it had been and it looked as if the day was going to stay that way. On...
The Last Post , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. Plenty of little birds around today, but not too many were willing...