It has been a good, if rather wet, 2012. I have not been able to get out with the camera as much as I have wanted to, but have still managed some cracking walks.
I have a lot planned for 2013 but regardless of that, I need to spend more time with our local wildlife, I missed them this year.
Thanks for all the support this year and I hope you all have a fine 2013.
The Isle of Purbeck is a peninsula on the southern tip of the the county of Dorset in England. The photographs I take, hopefully, help to express how I feel about this magical place and show you things which you may see if you come to visit. I am a full time, professional photographer and have a gallery in Swanage. Please feel free to click on the picture to see it larger or to look at my other photographs.
Monday, 31 December 2012
Can We Have A Slightly Dryer 2013 Please?
Sunday, 30 December 2012
These two were in a larger group of about twelve youngsters. The Stag was close, but unsociable so I left him alone. There expressions are lovely.
Saturday, 29 December 2012
Stonework & Smuggling
When the sea is this rough it is hard to imagine how many people relied on the coast for a living. The cliffs have been quarried for hundreds of years, leaving caves and inlets all along the coast line. Smuggling provided some with a slightly less honest income.
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Moving Beach Huts
There is a lot of material on the move at the north end of the beach, making the walkway under the cliffs a dangerous place to be!
The Coastguard have been advised to tape the area off, they will also be the ones who rescue those who don't take advice!
Monday, 24 December 2012
Sunday, 23 December 2012
julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints' photostream
If you get a few moments, on this damp, dark Sunday, perhaps have a look at some of my pictures on Flickr.
Friday, 21 December 2012
A Purbeck Winter Solstice
Very quiet and not a druid in sight!
One of the finest mornings we have had for a while.
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Swyre Head, the western ridge of the Golden Bowl at Encombe is a little bit special. The view from here is incredible, whether you look East or West, but, in my opinion, West is best. Beautiful when the Sun is shining, but even better, Ithink, when the gloom sets in.
The Encombe Estate was put on the market a couple of years ago for £25 million. The house, hidden away in the bowl, is quite nice and the stables are ok. The cottages have a certain charm and courtyard could hold quite a few Range Rovers! But, if all that is just beyond your means, this view is free.
View On Black
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Easier than the Buzzard, but still a bit flighty, was the Kestrel. It stayed within a small area hunting, but although it tried several times, couldn't manage lunch.
Stay On The Line
Seeing a Buzzard on a telegraph pole is the easy bit, getting close enough to take a shot is more difficult.
The Worm Whisperer
A large grup of Fieldfares with a few Thrushes trawled the field looking for worms. This Thrush was quite successful.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
White Stags & Cold Feet
A white smudge from a bit of a distance made me stop the car and try to get a little closer.
Then, a few hundred yards of very cold, very wet walking brought me to this chap!
Not quite in focus, partly because of the stupidly low tempuratures and me in work clothes that are not really designed for deer stalking, but a great thing to see.
There really is something quite magical about white deer!
Monday, 10 December 2012
Special Forces Donkeys #9 Camouflage
It has been a while since we last had clearance to photograph the Special Forces Donkeys, but this weekend was a special occasion!
The camouflage gear they are wearing was tested (unsuccessfully) in the snow two years ago and it was time to try again in the winter Sun.
As you can plainly not see, the S.F.D. are almost invisible in fact, if they were hiding in a pile of apples you would not see them until it was too late!
Mission Accomplished!
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Sleeping Red
Doing what any self-respecting Fox should do on a bright, warm Winters day. The Fox was happy. So was I.
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Easier Targets
After crawling through the grass to photograph the, very shy, Oyster Catchers I try my luck with a small group of Turnstones. Lovely little birds and far braver than their larger neighbours.
Too Flighty
There were two Egrets here, but neither fancied hanging around for a photograph. I don't spend enugh time wandering the shores of Poole Harbour, really should correct that!
Friday, 7 December 2012
Monday, 3 December 2012
On the 15th December we will be showing off our greetings cards, prints, canvases and calendars at the Putlake Farm Christmas Market at Langton on the Isle of Purbeck.
Next year, we want to do more of these. If anyone has details of any fetes or markets happening locally during the year, please get in touch.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Small Birds, Big Fun
This morning we found a small group of five Goldcrests and then spent far too long trying to get a photograph. They are always superb to see and great fun to play with. One of my favourite little birds, and so tiny!!
Terrible news for Wareham!
Worry not though, another batch will be delivered tomorrow and, as always, a big thank you to everyone who bought a calendar!
The Land of Purbeck Calendar 2013
available from Durlston Country Park or direct from
The Nature of Purbeck Calendar 2013
available fro Durlston Country Park or direct from
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Slash & Burn
The landscape at Arne is changing. The Forestry have cut plenty of trees down and burn whatever is left.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Peace & Quiet
The local Sika deer are always willing to pose but the real bonus is being able to get up close and personal. Leaving the well trodden paths and settling into the bracken means, if you are patient and maybe a little lucky, you can really enjoy being with these beautiful animals.
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Convenience Food
One of three Squirrels that currently use their feeder. I didn't take them long to figure it out!
Keeping Your Nuts Dry
It is wet, very wet and there is little worse than soggy nuts!
We have three Squirrels now and this is the only way to keep them off of the bird feeders! It is costing me a fortune in peanuts!
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Not Todays Weather
Warm sunshine, a slight breeze and blue skies! What a difference a week makes, today the weather is.... different!
Fungus Amongus
I suppose there is one good thing about the damp conditions and that is the amount of fungi that keeps popping up.
Friday, 23 November 2012
Quiet but never silent.
I missed the Sun this morning, not because I was late but because the early wander was done and dusted by the time the clouds cleared. When...

Slip, Slide And Away , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. These are the kind of shots I would have liked of the wild ...
This morning we headed for the cliffs as the sky was clearer than it had been and it looked as if the day was going to stay that way. On...
The Last Post , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. Plenty of little birds around today, but not too many were willing...