There were a few young Sika around last night, but most didn't stay for a chat.
This one did though, maybe because his mum was close by. They are incredibly cute, just as curious and have a very serious fringe!
The Isle of Purbeck is a peninsula on the southern tip of the the county of Dorset in England. The photographs I take, hopefully, help to express how I feel about this magical place and show you things which you may see if you come to visit. I am a full time, professional photographer and have a gallery in Swanage. Please feel free to click on the picture to see it larger or to look at my other photographs.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Fuzzy Fawn
Less Time For Your Buck
As the evenings are getting darker it is becoming more difficult to get out with the camera in the evenings.
A quick wander last night was really needed but there wasn't a great deal about. The Sika rarely let you down though and this chap hung around for just enough time.
Monday, 29 August 2011
Everyone Needs A Little Space
Everywhere seemed busy today which is, of course, just what we need but there are still quiet places to escape to.
Hop off of the beaten track, follow smaller footprints and find your own rock to sit on.
It didn't take long before we were joined by a rather large family of Stonechats making way too much noise.
Sometimes it's good to relax for a while.
Eating Out
All of a sudden the spiders seem to have grown up! Plenty of food around for them too but watching them eat is enough to put you off your pasty!
Sunday, 28 August 2011
St. Aldhelm's To The Anvil
St. Aldhelm's Head is one of my favourite places. Apart from the stunning views and the choice of many different walks home, there are so many stories about this place.
Ancient earthworks, a strange chapel that is at least 800 years old but still confuses historians, quarries both living and long since dead, and of course the more modern radar research during the Second World War.
Strike The Pose
It is always good when you stumble across a bird or animal that is happy to be in your company.
We spent quite a while with this Wheatear and I took far too many shots.
The walk to St.Aldhelm's Head is always worthwhile. The views from the top of the cliff let you take in the lighthouses at Portland, Anvil Point and St.Catherines Point on the Isle of Wight.
Plenty of little birds around, but the friendliest was this little Wheatear, who stayed with us for quite a while.
Friday, 26 August 2011
Sign Of The Times
It looks like the Isle of Purbeck is going to be a busy place this bank holiday weekend, not a great deal of advertising space left on the corner. I think I would like to see more grass and less signs though!
The weather looks 'changeable' at best and so it may be wise to find somewhere with a bit of cover.
Storms At The Castle
There have been few chances to get out with the camera this week, but I couldn't resist this shot.
Driving home this evening, I looked in the rear view mirror and this is what I saw. We have had several good rain storms today and it looks like we are in for another.
Corfe Castle always looks impressive, but I do like a few dark clouds.
Monday, 22 August 2011
The dogs are normally with me when I am out with the camera and for most of the time we get on pretty well. I am used to settling down, focusing on a subject only to have a stick dropped on my foot and a wet nose stuck up my trouser leg!
It can get a bit difficult sometimes, but not as difficult as leaving the dogs behind.
As far as I am aware, Dark Bush-crickets don't fetch sticks!
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Music, Beer And A Sunset
After a day being very well entertained we sat on the hill, drank a couple of pints and listened to music as the Sun went down.
Not a bad way to spend a Saturday.
Making A Splash
Watching the Swanage Lifeboat launch is always good but unfortunately for us, the slipway has quite a gradual gradient. Unless the weather is particularly bad the splash when the boat enters the water is not very dramatic.
I know this makes it better for the crew but a huge bow wave would be nice sometimes.
Maybe if they made the boat a bit less pointy.....
Nearing The End
Today is the last day of Swanage Lifeboat Week and despite a few days of bad weather it seems to have been another good one.
With all the effort the Lifeboat crews put into the week it certainly deserves to be, all volunteers, all with a 'day job' and all looking decidedly knackered last night!
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Lunch Box
Most of the webs we came across had been destroyed by the rain, leaving the poor spiders hungry and homeless.
Luckily, some food comes in its own airtight container and will still be there when the sun comes out.
After a day of very heavy rain and a particularly rotten drive home I was ready for a walk with the dogs.
Not a lot going on, as you would expect, but there were a few bugs sheltering from the rain.
The weather for the weekend looks better, so perhaps I can get a little more use out of the camera.
Sunday, 14 August 2011
Camera? Check! Flash? Check! Batteries? Damn!
I was in need of a good walk today and was also looking forward to a bug hunt.
Plenty of Common Darters and a few Damselflies buzzing around, but this chap was obviously happy to sit and pose.
Unfortunately, I had left the batteries out of my flash and I had to make do with a very unpredictable Sun!
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Small & White With Lots Of Eyes
I'm not big on my spider identification and so I could do with a little help. This chap is only about 6mm across and was not, in my humble opinion, the most attractive kid on the block. It looks a bit like a crab spider to me but a proper name would be quite nice.
Facing The Admiral
Just a quick wander this morning, more to exercise the dogs than for me to take photograghs. I don't seem to have had much time to snap away lately and so it was good to get behind the camera again. Plenty of bugs and beasts around but not too many willing to pose. Just the one Red Admiral today but he seemed happy enough to sit for a while.
I was going to crop this to get a close up of his face, but I like the full shot too.
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
And This Is The Safe End!
I have been afraid of Wasps for as long as I can remember, but I find them fascinating to watch. Getting close enough to take a shot like this really made me jumpy, which is strange considering that the only risk is a small sting! They do look mean though and thestriking yellow and black paint job is designed to put people off, which it does very well.
I didn't stay very long....
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Well, that's it for another year, Swanage Carnival ended yesterday. A week of fully grown so-called adults acting as if they were teenagers again! Some of the performers were a doing silly things too!
I have drunk and eaten far too much lovely stuff and stayed out far too late, I think I could do with a week off...
A lot of people work very hard for this week and it was certainly good to see the town busy again. It is easy to forget that without the tourists this would be a much poorer place.
Piggy Back
This mornings wander was right to the end of Durlston Bay, to the rocks at the Head. Not an easy walk, but as long as you keep an eye on the tides and the cliffs you should be fine. Under on of the larger rocks was this tiny spider with her back covered in spiderlings. I had to over-expose this a little, otherwise you couldn't make out the youngsters. The adults spider was about 5mm from leg to leg and looked a bit surprised when the flash went off! Hope I didn't wake the kids...
Swanage Lifeboat Week 2011
From the 14th to the 21st of August is Swanage Lifeboat week. Another important week in our town's calandar and one definately worth attending.
An events list can be downloaded here
they deserve all the support they get.
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Purbeck Airshow
More fun with the Peregrines this week when four, both parents and youngsters, decided to trim the local pigeon population a little. Lots of action, lots of little grey feathers and lots of screeching later, both youngsters settled down for a little dinner.
Red, White & Blue
Swanage Bay has got to be one of the finest places to watch The Red Arrows and this year, although the weather was a bit gloomy, they did not disappoint.
I didn't have the big lens, which was a shame, but that didn't stop me taking far too many shots.
Friday, 5 August 2011
Houns Tout
Looking west, while standing on the stacks that seem to hang in mid air over the cliffs at Houns Tout is very special. A camera can catch the view, which is wonderful, but not the feeling you get when you are out there with only the sounds of the waves way below. It really has to be experienced because I can't describe it well enough.
Bye Bye Bigma
After two and a half years and goodness knows how many pictures, my trusty 500mm lens has got to go away for a service and repair. It has been my walkabout lens and I am going to really struggle without it.
What it does mean is more macro shots and more landscapes, which is no serious problem really because I do need the practise.
So, this is another little fly with huge latin name!
View From A Beer Garden
My second favourite beer garden is at The Scott Arms in Kingston. The view from the garden has got to be one of the finest that you will find anywhere.
This fits in well with one of my favourite walks which takes you from the woods at Kingston to Houns Tout where the views are even better (but there is no pub!).
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Sika Rescue #3
Finally, the young Sika was grabbed and bundled into the boat.
Always great to see the Lifeboat, whatever they are up to!
Sika Rescue #2
Unfortunately the deer was not helping and avoided the rope over and over again. Things were getting a little tense on the cliff top!
Sika Rescue #1
This evening the Swanage Inshore Lifeboat had another Sika deer to rescue.
The young chap made a dash for it and started to swim away from the cliffs.
I Thought A Grayling Was A Fish!
A fine wander this morning, with blue skies and a slight breeze spoilt only by my inability to take a decent picture.
Snakes and Lizards didn't hang around, the birds flew off and most of the butterflies wouldn't sit still.
There was this one, a Grayling I think, but then as the books say this butterfly is a 'master of disguise' it could have been anything.
As always, any positive i.d would be appreciated.
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
The Ricky Martin Wasp
A latin name but no common name, this is Tenthredo livida I think, which is a mouthful to say the least. A bit of an insult to this little chap too and a bit of a shame.
So, unless anyone can think of a better one, I hereby name this chap Ricky Martin.
Safe Harbour
The S.V.Tenacious is a regular visitor to the bay and fits in quite well with all the stories of smuggling that we have here. Built for sailors with very different needs though, she looks very impressive lit by the setting Sun. At night she is lit up like a Christmas tree, but I would still like to see a Skull & Crossbones flying from the main mast!
Quiet but never silent.
I missed the Sun this morning, not because I was late but because the early wander was done and dusted by the time the clouds cleared. When...

Slip, Slide And Away , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. These are the kind of shots I would have liked of the wild ...
This morning we headed for the cliffs as the sky was clearer than it had been and it looked as if the day was going to stay that way. On...
The Last Post , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. Plenty of little birds around today, but not too many were willing...