Via Flickr:
It is always a pleasure watching these chaps. Blue Tits are quick little bundles of blue and yellow with a 'Y' shaped bandit mask and an attitude!
The Isle of Purbeck is a peninsula on the southern tip of the the county of Dorset in England. The photographs I take, hopefully, help to express how I feel about this magical place and show you things which you may see if you come to visit. I am a full time, professional photographer and have a gallery in Swanage. Please feel free to click on the picture to see it larger or to look at my other photographs.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
House Building
Via Flickr:
I spend every working day dealing with house builders and construction projects of one type or another and have always liked building sites. At this time of year the cliffs are full of building sites and the Jackdaws were not the only birds working hard.
Monday, 28 March 2011
Monday's Child
I saw this young lady being born as I drove past in the car and, after a quick U turn, I watched as she was cleaned and took her first steps.
Watching her struggle and the already obvious bond between her and her mother made Monday that little bit better.
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Sunday Afternoon Sandwich
Following a discussion with my proofreader/literary agent (sorry Simon) on the Purbeck cliffs this morning, I headed to Peveril Point in the hopes of seeing the newly arrived Sandwich Terns. A couple of hours spent watching these beautiful birds is never a waste, but they didn't come too close and so this is a bit of a tight crop.
Missed Yellows And Bonus Reds
Another beautiful morning for a wander and as usual, plenty to see. I spent a while chasing a small flock of Yellowhammers that were far more interested in themselves than me, but I couldn't get a good enough shot.
After several dozen more shots of 'out-of-focus' birds I was quite pleased when a passing Robin posed for a while.
Friday, 25 March 2011
Stone Chatting
A beautiful blue sky morning and almost enough time to appreciate it. Our walk along the cliffs was almost perfect, with Rock Pipits and Stonechats joining us, Peregrines skirting the cliffs and what may or may not have been a Seal in the sea below us.
Jurassic Rock
It is amazing how may 'favourite' birds I have, but the Rock Pipit must be near the top of the list.
These little birds are an almost constant companion when I wander the cliffs and always make me smile.
Thursday, 24 March 2011
I'm Not The Only One Following The Bucks
It has been a bit of a hectic week and photo opportunities have been rare. I haven't had chance to make good use of the sunshine and this always makes me grumpy.
Tomorrow though, begins a three day weekend and the weather is looking good.
The first stop will be to spend a little time with the Roe deer before the fawns are born in June.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Blue Skies & Red Legs
Another beautiful day but the weekend still seems a long way off. There is not a lot of chance to use the camera during the week, but I couldn't resist a quick shot of this Red-legged Partridge.
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Making A Splash
Not the finest shot of Sika perhaps, I would have liked more light on Sika and the perspective is not quite right.
But technically speaking, I really like the splashy bits!
One of the benefits of the Super Moon and a very low tide is that our beach suddenly becomes twice as wide! This means that the more active members of the Purbeck Footprints crew get to charge around like mad things. Benny and Sika live for days like this!
Monday, 21 March 2011
Face Off
Sunday morning's wander was one of the finest I have had for a while. Starting with the Roe Deer, a rather special show of Dolphins and finally a close encounter with this chap.
He was sunbathing on an anthill by the side of the path and looked a lot more comfortable than I was. I really enjoy seeing our Adders and getting close always fun. I got to within about 3 feet of this one and was disappointed that I only had the big lens with me.
Chasing The Big Bucks
Early on Sunday morning we came across the Roe Deer. Two bucks, both seemed very fit and healthy, both sported fine sets of velvet covered antlers and both were looking after two equally fine looking doe's.
Hopefully, this will be another good year for our small Roe Deer population.
Sunday, 20 March 2011
More Purbeck Dolphins
For the second week in a row and for only the second time since we have lived on the Isle of Purbeck we saw Dolphins. This morning there was a pod of eight, we think, with the bonus (if we needed one) of a calf.
Dolphin And Calf
The Dolphins are always a crowd pleaser and today was no exception. They are wonderful to see and on the way back to The Acorn Cafe for a pasty everyone we passed was talking about them.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
The Purbeck Moon
Early Morning Sing Song
Beautiful blue skies a slight frost and not a breath of wind. A wonderful start to the day and a chance to revisit the Dartford Warblers that I saw a couple of weeks ago. I only saw one this time, which was a shame, but they are cracking little birds.
Friday, 18 March 2011
The Last Rays
After a pretty hectic week there was just enough time, as the Sun went down, for a walk on the beach with the dogs. The rain clouds were clearing nicely and as the temperature dropped it seemed that we might get that promised 'good weather weekend' after all.
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
No Oysters
Another beautiful day and another day stuck at work, but at least I managed a lunch break. After what was probably my worse 'wounded Oyster' impression, this rather disgruntled mudlark wandered off to find his lunch. I do like Oystercatchers though, they have wonderful eyes!
Monday, 14 March 2011
I'm Ready For My Profile
As I left the Isle of Purbeck this morning it was obvious that today was going to be another beautiful blue sky day. Not just that, but also another day when I wouldn't be able to pick up the camera.
At the moment, the weather forecast for the weekend is good! Fingers crossed..
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Dolphin/Shag Combo
As you can imagine, I took dozens of shots of these Dolphins this morning. Not easy to catch them breaking the surface though as you can never predict where they will be next.
Wonderful to see though and very popular judging by the amount of people whose faces were turned towards the sea.
The Purbeck Dolphin
I have lived on the Isle of Purbeck for twelve years now and this is the first time I have seen a Dolphin here. It is not totally correct to call it a Purbeck Dolphin I suppose, but two spent a while playing with crab pot buoys put out by Purbeck fishermen so for a few minutes at least, that is exactly what they were.
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Blue Sky Thinking
Two Peregrines circled the castle this morning spending quite a bit of time watching and waiting. This gave me plenty of time to take dozens of out of focus shots. They were quite high but, as my camera seems to perform better when I swear at it , I managed a couple of half reasonable ones.
Fulmar To Fulmar
It seems that I can't walk along the cliffs without taking far too many photos of the Fulmars. They are wonderful birds to watch and luckily, they seem to have found a ledge within camera range.
Problems With Sticks Part 2
A little bit of a 'small bird fest' today with Great, Blue and Long Tailed Tits, Dunnocks, Robins, Goldfinches, Chaffinches and a single Yellowhammer making up the numbers. All of them making plenty of noise and all of them choosing to hide behind sticks!
Thursday, 10 March 2011
All Teeth And No Trousers
This was taken just as dawn was breaking on a very dull and gloomy day. Two Otters enjoyed swimming in the river whilst five Kingfishers flew above it.
Not a bad way to spend an hour, just need a little Sun next time.
A big thank you must go to Martin and his lovely friend Val for making this visit possible.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
The Near Miss
Two days of beautiful blue skies and yet very little time to take photographs. Almost wall to wall Pheasant and Partridge on one of the narrow country lanes I was driving down this afternoon meant that I had to stop to avoid a massacre.
And Then It Kicked Off!
Three Swans elegantly, effortlessly parading across the lake in the warming Sun, showing off to all who would look.
Out of the crisp blue sky two slightly larger, slightly less elegant swans landed in an explosion of water and wings.
Heads down, heals back, bow waves building nicely they raced to cut of the posing trio.
And then it kicked off....
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Cold Feet
Eventually the Sun came out and so, of course, did the camera. Today though I really struggled with the camera. Strange that considering I spend so much time with my little black box of plastic, metal and glass, some days it's like I have never picked it up before.
Luckily, a friendly Robin helped lift my spirits on the long walk home.
The Joys Of Youth
There were plenty of young Herring Gulls honing there flying skills over the cliffs this afternoon. There was quite a stiff breeze and the sea was alive with white horses but they seemed perfectly happy to join the Fulmars and Black-Backs putting on a fine show.
Saturday, 5 March 2011
A Quick Swim
There have been some superb shots taken of these Otters lately and I know how patient the chaps that took them are.
I saw one Otter today and for just a couple of seconds, long enough to take three shots!
They are beautiful animals though and are always a real treat to see.
Black Eyes
On a cold, dull, windy morning it was a struggle to find anyone willing to pose. Luckily there are always the old favourites to rely upon. Great Tits are wonderful target practise.
A Balanced Approach
The promised sunshine and blue skies just didn't happen this morning and our walk along the cliffs was a decidedly chilly one. Once again though, the Fulmars proved impossible to resist.
Friday, 4 March 2011
Over The Shoulder
Dartford Warblers are rapidly becoming a bit of a favourite of mine. Apart from being a good looking little bird, they are great fun to watch and to photograph. I like his song too, reminds me of someone trying to tune in an old radio.
Red Pole Dancer
As usual, the Sun shines during the week whilst I'm at work and so we are back to drive-bys and traffic jams. I don't see many Redpoles either and so when this little one hopped along the hedgerow I had to take a break. I only managed three shots before he disappeared but I quite like this one.
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Classic Pose
My brother once said how amazed he was that Swans were always so clean. I told him that it may have something to do with the amount of time they spend in the water !!!!
No Patience
I need a picture of Corfe Castle, Swanage Railway and a lovely old steam train. Unfortunately, patience is not my strong point. I can wait, motionless for hours watching deer, but I could barely manage 30 seconds waiting for a train.....
Quiet but never silent.
I missed the Sun this morning, not because I was late but because the early wander was done and dusted by the time the clouds cleared. When...

Slip, Slide And Away , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. These are the kind of shots I would have liked of the wild ...
This morning we headed for the cliffs as the sky was clearer than it had been and it looked as if the day was going to stay that way. On...
The Last Post , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. Plenty of little birds around today, but not too many were willing...