After a tip-off, an early morning wander was called for. Several Kingfishers flew back and forth in front of me, but the Sun flaring off of the water made life a little difficult. I quite like this one though.
The Isle of Purbeck is a peninsula on the southern tip of the the county of Dorset in England. The photographs I take, hopefully, help to express how I feel about this magical place and show you things which you may see if you come to visit. I am a full time, professional photographer and have a gallery in Swanage. Please feel free to click on the picture to see it larger or to look at my other photographs.
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Keeping Watch
Also enjoying the beautiful, sunny morning was this young lady. She brought her youngster with her for a drink and wasn't too happy that we shared the water. There are plenty of Sika deer around here, but they are always a pleasure to see.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Smile and Wave
Gulls are a real favourite of mine, I can spend hours watching them. These Black Headed Gulls seemed more interested in the waves than anything else.
Mr & Mrs
A male and female Roe deer enjoying the evening Sun. I'm not sure why, but I focused on the female at the back instead of the male! Still, always a pleasure to see.
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Harry's Game
One of my favourite views. Looking across Durlston Bay, past the lookout at Peveril Point and further to the chalk Pinnacles and Old Harry, with Bournemouth in the distance.
Holiday traffic is always a pain, so why not buy a boat? These, lucky chaps and chapesses were off for a day of rest and relaxation in one of the secluded bays along the coast.. I have looked up the word 'secluded' in the dictionary and I'm not sure it means what they they think it means....
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
One Eye Open
I really like seeing Herring Gulls, but then I am not a Herring!. This was taken on the cliffs at Durlston
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Packed Lunch
Another sneaky shot, taken in between showers of rain. Even the dogs started to get fed up with the weather and so hanging around trying to get a few macro shots wasn't really on the cards. Saying that, the cliffs of the Isle of Purbeck are great place to be come rain or shine.
Contented Egret
Time really hasn't been on my side lately and I have missed the opportunity to blow the dust of my camera. Nice weather for Egrets though, which is handy!
Still, can't complain, except about my camera which, after 4 years of being abused by clumsy great oaf, is starting to give up the will to live.
Monday, 9 August 2010
After a week of the Swanage Carnival I have just about had enough! Too many late nights, too much wonderful food and maybe the odd pint of beer really takes its toll!
Time to get a little leaner, a little fitter and maybe even give up cut down on the beer.
Oh well, not long til next year.
To Post Or Not To Post
Now, I wasn't sure whether to post this or not, but I really like it. I know it's not fully in focus and I have managed to cut two planes in half (and I should really hate that) but there you go. My last shot of the Red Arrows for this year.
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Chicken !!!!
Just one tiny laps of concentration!
A quick sneeze?
Spotting a bikini clad lady on the beach?
Reaching across the cockpit for your burger and fries?
That's all it takes and the show is over.
Luckily, they all must have eaten before hand because they managed to put on yet another spotless performance.
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Missed The Last Day Of Training?
The last day of Swanage Carnival brings the Red Arrows to the bay. The natural amphitheatre provides one of the best places to watch these amazing pilots.
A superb end to one of my favourite weeks of the year.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
The Commoners Castle?
This is what awaited us as we neared the end of one of the most enjoyable walks I have ever done. From Swanage, along the cliffs past Dancing Ledge and Blacker's Hole to The Square & Compass for a pasty and a couple of pints. Then, past Hill Bottom and up the valley to Kingston and the Scott Arms for peanuts and a couple of pints. After this, you follow the view across Corfe Common to The Greyhound for a couple of pints and some peanuts. Three of the finest pubs in the Purbeck with three of the finest beer gardens and three of the finest views. Then, carefully, pop onto the steam train for the trip home. Bliss....hic
Monday, 2 August 2010
Birds & Animals
One more from yesterdays Carnival Procession. There were several comments on yesterdays shot, that just so happened to be of a rather pretty young lady, so I thought I would stick to what I know best. So, birds and animals it is. Have a good day.
Sunday, 1 August 2010
All Smiles
Today was procession day of the Swanage carnival. Now, I don't normally do people photography but I am always ready to make exceptions. Even though it was a bit cloudy and a little too gloomy, everyone was smiling. Due, perhaps in part, to the beer tent. If you want me, that's where I'll be.
Quiet but never silent.
I missed the Sun this morning, not because I was late but because the early wander was done and dusted by the time the clouds cleared. When...

Slip, Slide And Away , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. These are the kind of shots I would have liked of the wild ...
This morning we headed for the cliffs as the sky was clearer than it had been and it looked as if the day was going to stay that way. On...
The Last Post , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. Plenty of little birds around today, but not too many were willing...