There was a bit of a baby bird fest going on here. Linnets, Blue Tits and Whitethroats making the most of the warm evenings.
The Isle of Purbeck is a peninsula on the southern tip of the the county of Dorset in England. The photographs I take, hopefully, help to express how I feel about this magical place and show you things which you may see if you come to visit. I am a full time, professional photographer and have a gallery in Swanage. Please feel free to click on the picture to see it larger or to look at my other photographs.
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Whitethroats are everywhere at the moment and they have a serious attitude. Great haircut too.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
The Fog
A beautiful day with not a cloud in the sky. Well, until the fog came in that is.
A bit of a lazy shot, taken from my bedroom window.
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Spot The Deer
Sika have a totally different personality than our Roe Deer. They are far more confident, more curious and more common. They are also very pretty animals and, in my humble opinion, are always a treat to see.
More Than A Handful
Bringing up one youngster is not easy, but twins are a little more difficult. Tonight I went out to get a better shot of yesterdays Roe kid, and I came across this trio. Now I'm a big lad, but I must admit I got a bit of a lump in my throat. This reminded me too much of the last set of twins I got to know. Fingers crossed for these two.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Time For A Wren
There are so many youngsters around at the moment and it was good to fing a large family of Wrens. At least for kids I think, driving here parents mad.
Chip Off The Old Block
An early start this morning meant I stumble across this little family scene. I managed to watch from a distance for quite a while, (this is a bit of a crop), but I just couldn't get the focus right. Great to see though and this will do as a record shot.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Two For Dinner
It was a real bonus finding these two young Whitethroats tonight. I managed to get quite close, but had to shoot through the undergrowth. I must admit, I like the blurred foreground..
Monday, 21 June 2010
Dragon Emperor
There were only a few of these, and they spent most of there time being beaten up by the much smaller 4 Spot Chasers. Great to watch, but annoyingly, they insisted on perching in very awkward places.
If You Go Down To The Woods
No matter what I did, I couldn't get this Sika to put her head in the sunlight. It was a little gloomy in the woods, but this was a nice surprise.
Saturday, 19 June 2010
A couple of good walks today but the weather, although dry was not great for photographs. The sky was too white for landscapes but there was very little light under the trees for the birds. Plenty to see and hear though so I can't really complain. Whitethroats were everywhere.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
A Beautiful Damoiselle, I think, another shot with the big lens making me wish I had taken the macro.
Golden Rings
Just enough time for a quick wander today but unfortunately I only had the big lens. Plenty of dragons about, including this one. The Golden Ringed dragonfly seemed huge next to the usual suspects.
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Twelve Spots
Another windy day stopped me playing with the macro as much as I wanted. Luckily there were plenty of 6 Spot Burnet moths about and a few were staying still enough for a shot.
The Bees Are Back
Lovely little flowers these.
Bee Orchids are starting to pop up and although they are not easy to find, it is well worth a hunt.
Saturday, 12 June 2010
To The South Beach
It was a little bit too windy for the shots I wanted to take today, the macro barely had a look in. No complaints though, the walk from Swanage over the hill to Studland is always good. Following the cliff path past Old Harry and the Pinnacles give incredible views across sea.
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Mother & Child
I got too close to this Sika. She was in the gloom of the woodland and I didn’t see her until it was too late. I backed off to a safe distance, took a shot and left her alone. I always try to steer clear of the fawns, as any disturbance can scare the mother off for good. The sound of the youngster crying for its mother is terrible.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
A Local's Local
These two shots together really highlight the differences between our natural Roe and the imported Sika. Both are beautiful animals, but the Roe are just a little bit special. This was one of five seen tonight, plus the Sika and a family of foxes. Not a bad evening, although it was a little murky.
Misplaced Youth
This is a young male Sika deer and I have been trying to get a shot for a little while. The South West corner of the Isle of Purbeck is usually a Sika-free zone, but not any more. Fingers crossed that this doesn't affect the very small population of Roe that we have.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Butterfly Karma Sutra
I'm not sure if these are Small Blues and they were too busy to ask. Any positive I.D. would be appreciated.
Speckled In A Wood
This butterfly was a little easier to identify, at least I think it was.
A Speckled Wood, I think, but as usual, if you have other ideas, just yell.
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Not That Common
I am far from being an expert on little blue butterflies, but I think this is a Common Blue. There were quite a few of these about (hence the name I suppose), as well as several Adonis and Small Blues. I find these a lot more difficult to photograph than Deer that's for sure.
Mad Dogs And Englishman
It is easy to disappear for a while on a bright, warm, sunny day. Just leave the well worn paths that spider along the cliffs and take the animal tracks. All of a sudden the world changes and time has no meaning. Somewhere in the distance, there is a pint and a pasty waiting for me so if you don't mind I'll crack on and see if I can take pictures of creatures other than deer and Foxes. Cheers to a grand Saturday.
Friday, 4 June 2010
Brown Eyes
I could do with spending a little more time walking the dogs and a little less time watching the Foxes. Benny and Sika behave very well though and settle down next to me until its time to move on.
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Roe Meadow
One of last years Roe deer enjoying the evening Sun. I know I post plenty of shots like this, but these are a real favourite of mine.
Quiet but never silent.
I missed the Sun this morning, not because I was late but because the early wander was done and dusted by the time the clouds cleared. When...

Slip, Slide And Away , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. These are the kind of shots I would have liked of the wild ...
This morning we headed for the cliffs as the sky was clearer than it had been and it looked as if the day was going to stay that way. On...
The Last Post , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. Plenty of little birds around today, but not too many were willing...