As I can't get out until later, I thought I would post a couple of shots from the last couple of encounters.
I was surprised by how relaxed this young lady was with me, as the Sun went down. Being up close to any wild animal is special, but when they seem to be as happy with your presence as you are with there's it gets even better.
The Isle of Purbeck is a peninsula on the southern tip of the the county of Dorset in England. The photographs I take, hopefully, help to express how I feel about this magical place and show you things which you may see if you come to visit. I am a full time, professional photographer and have a gallery in Swanage. Please feel free to click on the picture to see it larger or to look at my other photographs.
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Time For Bed
Here We Go Again
As I can't get out until later, I thought I would post a couple of shots from the last couple of encounters.
This is the Fox that I was trying to get closer too when I was surprised by a Roe Deer.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Superior Tracking Skills? Yeah, right!
So, there I was, slowly creeping towards a Fox and at one with nature. The only noise was the gentle sigh of grass giving way as inched forwards. I was aware of everything, every single sound. Every sound that is except the fully grown female Roe Deer that must have been stood only about twenty feet away. I think I need more practice, nearly had a heart attack!
Jackdaw Flypast
I didn't realise that the, usually sleek and stylish, Jackdaw has a double chin when he is flying!
Friday, 28 May 2010
The Team
Well, it's official. Sika is now a fully paid up member of the family. We found her 35 days ago and luckily for us no one has claimed her. Today, we had her micro-chipped and checked out by the vet. She is gaining weight nicely and has really settled in.
The training is going well but although she is a real cutie, she is also as mad as cheese!
Careful Landing
There is, once again, a pair of Kestrels nesting on the cliffs at Durlston. This gives great views of the adults, and the promise of some even better views of the youngsters. This morning, the male decided to show off his skills and it seemed only polite to watch for a while.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Beach Hut Blues
Looking more than a little annoyed, a Kestrel makes use of a newly deserted Studland beach hut. After a weekend of crowds, we all need a little piece and quiet.
The Big Blue
Our local R.N.L.I. lifeboat was out again last night and it had the Coastguard for company. It is always great to watch the lifeboat lads and lasses work or play and at this time of year, when the sea gets busier, so do they.
Dark Blue
The light had gone, but I couldn't resist posting this one. A pair of Blue Tits had made a nest in a gap within an old stone wall and were very busy. This chap though, was very cool and seemed to be doing a good job at keeping the local moth population down.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Look In To My Eyes
It is easy to be hypnotised by a Fox. When the Sun is starting to set and golden light is reflected in her eyes, time seems to slow down.
Relaxing Moments
I am not sure whether this young lady has just had a fawn, but I think she has. She was surprisingly relaxed with me tonight, just after this shot she lay down so that only her head was visible above the grass and her eyes started to close.
I don't go looking for the youngsters, they need time and space to grow.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Mighty Adonis
I'm still getting to grips with macro photography and I'm never quite sure which bit to focus on (I prefer the eye, though it doesn't always look right). But any chance to take a half decent shot of a very small blue butterfly is not to be sniffed at. I think this is an Adonis Blue, but as always, feel free to correct me.
Very Slow Worm
Luckily this Slow Worm lived up to his name. I spent quite a few minutes laying down on the road to try and get a decent shot. I wanted to get a shot or two of it in the grass, but when I picked it up from the road and carefully placed it among some very picturesque foliage, it found a bit of speed and disappeared.
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Gulls At Noon
Not every bird or animal that I take a photograph of would suit this background.. At noon though, with Herring Gulls on a south facing cliff, there is not much choice.
Friday, 21 May 2010
Resident Roe
One from last night, of our chief Roe deer. He has a fine summer coat now and a full set of antlers. A few yards away was his main squeeze but she was a little more secretive.
Work, Work, Work
I can't really complain, when, on a visit to a construction site this afternoon I managed to put the meeting on hold while I took a few shots of the local wildlife. The rather impressive house that was to be built has its own lake, a colony of bats and a pair of Herons.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Goldfinch & Greenfinch?
I see more Greenfinches than Gold finches so maybe this is the shot that I should like best. Still not convinced though.
Any thoughts would be appreciated, but remember, no blending...
Greenfinch & Goldfinch?
I have been looking at these for a while now, and I still can't decide which shot I prefer. It took a while to get both birds in one shot but they would not sit on the same branch no matter how many times I asked them.
I know I could blend the two shots, but I don't want to do that.
Monday, 17 May 2010
Sika Sunset
Not content with my encounter earlier today, I went out again this evening to feed my Sika addiction.
Sika Sunset
As the Sun went behind the hills, the Sika wandered from the open heath into the woods. Seeing deer at any time is a bit special, tonight though was just about perfect.
Dappled Sika
It has been a while since I have posted a shot of our local Sika. So I was quite pleased when I saw this lady on the way home today. Sika are wonderful to photograph, they are incredibly curious and will often take a step closer to you and have a quick sniff before they wander off.
There are quite a few around here, but I never get bored of spending time with them.
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Early Spiders
Plenty of Orchids around at the moment, but the Early Spiders are probably past there best. Always good to see though, but I struggle to get the shots that I want.
Green & Gold
Several Greenfinches and Goldfinches sharing a tree, yesterday, caused me a real headache. I have shots of both birds together, but only one is in focus and I don't know which one I like best.
Look Out
I really like these shots. I think Herring Gulls are very photogenic and catching the sunlight on the waves below the cliffs causes an effect that is technically known as 'sparkly bits'.
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Purbeck Puffin
Not the finest shot of a Puffin, but then, this is no ordinary Puffin. This is a Purbeck Puffin and it is my first this year.
More Rock, More Pipits
No wander through the old quarries that scar the cliffs is ever complete without the company of a Rock Pipit.
Larking About
I tend to stay away from the nesting Skylarks, but every now and again you get a chance of a closer view. These are great fun to watch and there song is very impressive.
Purbeck Puffin
Not the finest shot of a Puffin, but then, this is no ordinary Puffin. This is a Purbeck Puffin and it is my first this year.
Time is something that I just don't seem to have enough of these days. But finally I have a weekend with no plans and so I can just head off with the dogs and take pictures. I should be back, but I have heard a rumour that there may be the chance of Sun and beer later.....
Here's hoping for enough time to do what we want this weekend.
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
That Tuesday Feeling
Another day of unpredictable weather and far too much work meant that the camera has got little use lately.
I was quite lucky with this shot though. After seeing a reddy-brown lump in a field I decided on a second look. I couldn't get very close to the Fox, who looked like he was checking out the local mouse population, but at least I managed to shake the dust off the camera.
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Mad Dogs & Englishmen
It would have been nice to have a little midday Sun today, but I had to make do with a little midday rain. I was blessed with mad dogs though. Benny and Sika are getting on well and get many puzzled looks as they chase each other. The weather wasn't great today, but the walk was just what I needed. Not many chances to take a shot, but this Roe Deer more than made up for it.
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Oh Canada
Now I know these are not the most popular birds, but come on! Watching this younster goose-stepping around was great fun. This year there are only three young Canada Geese outside my office, but there is plenty of time for more.
Sika Update
We have had Sika for two weeks now and things are looking good. She has obviously never been trained or worked and has more than a little trouble controlling her long legs. She is incredibly curious and a bit of a handfull, but I think she is happy.
Lots of action on the cliffs tonight, the highlight of which was an all too brief encounter with a Peregrine, but not many photo opportunities. It was nice to see a single Wheatear sitting quietly minding her own business.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Another favourite, and one I hadn't seen much of until today. There were sunny spells today, in between the dark clouds and light rain, but they were not very long. So I was quite pleased to nab this Yellowhammer before the clouds made a very pretty little bird look a bit dull.
If It Has A White Throat, Then It May Well Be A Whitethroat
I just love clearly labelled birds and I always look forward to the return of the Whitethroats.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Quite a few Linnets around at the moment, competing with the Whitethroats. I haven't managed a decent shot yet, but they are nice to see.
More Greens
Lots of little birds around at the moment, but I could only get close to a Greenfinch.
Time isn't on my side at the moment and I miss getting lost on the cliffs.
Quiet but never silent.
I missed the Sun this morning, not because I was late but because the early wander was done and dusted by the time the clouds cleared. When...

Slip, Slide And Away , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. These are the kind of shots I would have liked of the wild ...
This morning we headed for the cliffs as the sky was clearer than it had been and it looked as if the day was going to stay that way. On...
The Last Post , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. Plenty of little birds around today, but not too many were willing...