Plenty of little bunnies around at the moment, they seem to be breeding like...erm...well...rabbits....
The Isle of Purbeck is a peninsula on the southern tip of the the county of Dorset in England. The photographs I take, hopefully, help to express how I feel about this magical place and show you things which you may see if you come to visit. I am a full time, professional photographer and have a gallery in Swanage. Please feel free to click on the picture to see it larger or to look at my other photographs.
Monday, 26 April 2010
Cold Feet
Blue skies, a light breeze and small waves. Not good for surfers, but great if you are a Black Headed Gull and you need to wash your feet.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Sika. The Dog, Not The Deer
Don't tell anyone, but I am a bit of a soft touch where animals are concerned. This is a new addition to our family and we are calling her Sika. I found her a couple of days ago, near a herd of deer that I was watching and spent quite a while sitting on the verge trying to get her to come to me. Eventually, she relented and came for a cuddle. She is a real beauty but very thin and rather timid. We have had all the checks done and put the word around in case someone has lost her.The original plan was to get her to a rescue kennels, but I'm not sure we can let her go now.
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Little Voice
An early start this morning meant that I had the cliffs to myself for a while. It was far from quiet though, just about every little bird for miles around seemed to be singing his head off. The first culprit was this little Wren with a voice that was way too big for his body.
Early Purple
At this time of the year the Orchids start to appear. All of a sudden, these beautiful little flowers just seem to be everywhere.
I have never been very good with flowers, but I think this is an Early Puple Orchid.
Seeing Red
I can't have a walk without spending a little time in the company of a Robin. I post far too many pictures of them but they are just such wonderful sublects. This one was trying to win the 'loudest song' award.
Friday, 23 April 2010
Black & Blue
Hopefully, with the prospect of a fine weather weekend I shall get a little more time to play at being a photographer. Lately, I have been struggling to find the time to get out and about.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Half way up the cliffs is ,maybe, not the best place to get some shut eye but it works for some. One of the local Shags prepares to bed down for the night.
Night Hawk
Another shot of the Kestrel. It is nice to think that this is one of last years and we can look forward to another show this summer.
Night Hawk
Last year we spent quite a while watching a family of Kestrels. Tonight, as the Sun was setting, this one returned to the same spot.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
The promise of a beautiful, warm, sunny weekend really brings the crowds to town. Even when the streets, pubs and beaches are busy there is usually a quiet corner to be found if you look hard enough.
Lady Bird
We sat watching this Blackbrd for quite a while. They are often overlooked, but have wondefrul markings.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
The Ledge
I have been after a decent shot of the Guillemot ledge for a while and now it is starting to fill up. You really have to dangle over the edge of the cliff a little if you want to get anywhere near, otherwise you end up with a shot of a lot of little black blobs. Luckily there was a lifeboat about just in case I fell off.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Four Eyes
This has to be my favourite time of the day. The Sun is just touching the hills in the west and everything is golden. The evening is full of bird song at the moment but it didn't stop these two young Roe deer from chilling out. A fine end to the day.
Light & Shade
Walking amongst the trees when the Sun shines brings its own troubles. Taking shots of speedy little birds can be difficult enough, but trying to catch them as they dodge between light and shade is, well, lots of fun.....
An, all too brief chance to escape today, but the weather made up for it as the Sun was warm and the sky was blue. Not too many butterflies around here at the moment, but there are a few Peacocks.
Monday, 12 April 2010
Roe Deer Rescue #1
A little bit of action on the cliffs tonight, just as the Sun went down. The local inshore lifeboat was called to rescue a Roe deer that had decided to get stuck half way down. The deer was to be released just along the coast where, fingers crossed, it can beat the odds and make a full recovery.
Roe Deer Rescue #2
A little bit of action on the cliffs tonight, just as the Sun went down. The local inshore lifeboat was called to rescue a Roe deer that had decided to get stuck half way down. The deer was to be released just along the coast where, fingers crossed, it can beat the odds and make a full recovery.
Roe Deer Rescue #3
A little bit of action on the cliffs tonight, just as the Sun went down. The local inshore lifeboat was called to rescue a Roe deer that had decided to get stuck half way down. The deer was to be released just along the coast where, fingers crossed, it can beat the odds and make a full recovery.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
The Look
The Jackdaw is another favourite, with the best 'rock hard stare' in the business. Quite a few out on the cliffs tonight, hurling themselves off and catching the air at the last minute. Makes the gulls look like Sunday drivers.
If Singing Makes You Happy, Then Sing
Plenty of noise in the trees tonight, about an hour before the Sun when down. But the winner was, as always, the Robin. But then, if I could sing like him you wouldn't be able to shut me up either.
The Hole In The Hedge Gang
The last shot of the day was of this chap, a young Roe deer buck trying to hide behind a hedge. Luckily, I used the same hole in the hedge that he did.
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Velvet Buck
I can't have a good walk without see these. The Purbeck Roe Deer are just about ready for summer. There new coats are pretty well sorted, the only thing now is to unwrap there new antlers. There are some very healthy looking Bucks around at the moment, which should help to protect such a small population.
Steady Feet
There are so many little birds around at the moment, flitting from bush to bush. I was quite pleased to find another couple of Dartford Warblers, but after spending way too long trying and failing to get a decent shot I concentrated on the Dunnocks. One of my favourite little birds, and always pleased to pose.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
The Dartford Road
Not the finest shot of a Dartford Warbler, but this is the best I have managed so far. There are not too many of these around here, so when I saw one from the car I just had to try and get a closer look.
Rules & Regulations
Things haven't really changed much over the last 130 years or so. There are still too many signs telling you what you can and can't do. Now, I don't tend to interfere with shrubs, flowers or birds as a rule, but I do like to wander off the beaten path every now and again. So, three out of four isn't too bad....
Monday, 5 April 2010
Busy Bee
Finally, a beautiful, blue sky day. And all of a sudden people seem to out-number the birds and beasties. I'm not complaining, we need all the visitors we can get, but it does mean that I have to find other places to hide. It also means that as my larger subjects fly, run or slither away I have to concentrate on the smaller residents.
Saturday, 3 April 2010
The Old Man
I haven't seen this chap for a while. He is the head honcho around here and is getting on a bit. All the local Roe Deer are looking a little rough around the dges at the moment, but this one has a fine set of antlers, at least.
First Willow Warbler?
At least, that is what I think it is. A very heavy crop on this one, there was two of them and they were quite far away. But, pale legs = Warbler apparently, so unless any of you birders can confirm this as a Chiffchaff (which are also here) I'm going to stick my neck out.
Friday, 2 April 2010
Rain Stopped Play
I was like a bear with a sore head this morning until finally, the rain stopped. After a week of bad weather and the prospect of a rather soggy long weekend the skies suddenly cleared and the Sun came out. Well, that was enough for me, I was out of the door and on the cliffs almost before my boots were laced up.
Location, Location, Location
The Purbeck Cliffs are always a great place to be, but in the Spring there is so much going on. Herring Gulls have always been a favourite of mine, they have the most expressive faces. Not easy for a bird..
Quiet but never silent.
I missed the Sun this morning, not because I was late but because the early wander was done and dusted by the time the clouds cleared. When...

Slip, Slide And Away , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. These are the kind of shots I would have liked of the wild ...
This morning we headed for the cliffs as the sky was clearer than it had been and it looked as if the day was going to stay that way. On...
The Last Post , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. Plenty of little birds around today, but not too many were willing...