I suppose everyone knows a place like this. It is open to everyone, but I have rarely seen another person here. A haven for Dragonflys, snakes,lizards, frogs and toads (although I don't see them very often) as well as deer and birds, it remains a bit of an open secret and I hope it stays that way.
This is an old clay pit, long since abandoned and left to return to it's former glory.
The Isle of Purbeck is a peninsula on the southern tip of the the county of Dorset in England. The photographs I take, hopefully, help to express how I feel about this magical place and show you things which you may see if you come to visit. I am a full time, professional photographer and have a gallery in Swanage. Please feel free to click on the picture to see it larger or to look at my other photographs. www.purbeckfootprints.co.uk
Friday, 31 July 2009
Peace & Quiet
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Another Arne Sika, but this one was even more relaxed. There was no way he was going to move, regardless what we did.
Face Off
It was far too easy to get close to these chaps today. Eventually he wandered off, but not before he proved that he was afraid of us. This is one of the Purbeck's Sika at Arne, a great place for a deer fix.
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Picture Within Picture
Last night I played at being a rock photographer for a friend of mine. His band, 'Nuff Said' was on the main stage and they were superb, a lot better than my pictures. I quite liked this one though. I didn't get the focus right when he did this the first time so I cheated and asked him to do it again.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Carnival Queen
I've seen quiet a few painted ladies this week, the carnival brings out all sorts, I suppose. Another day with just the big lens, so a macro shot was kind of out of the question. And I am always unsure what part of the butterfly to focus on: body, wings or antennae. Maybe that is why I don't tend to do butterflies.
Monday, 27 July 2009
Target Practise
When you spend hours feeding the birds, you can't complain when they hang around. Watching the Black Headed Gulls harass locals and tourists alike is always fun. Huddling in a group just gives them a bigger target
A Long Knight
Yesterday was Procession Day at Swanage Carnival and, as a member of The Round Table we tend to use this as an excuse to dress up and act like idiots, (not that we need much of an excuse).
For the last four of years a few of us have dressed up as Knights and I must admit, I really enjoy it....
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Mini Monaco
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Today, we had the Red Arrows. Swanage is a great place to see these, because the display takes place in over the bay allowing you to sit on the hills and get a good view.
In The Pink
It seems ages since I managed to get out in the morning on a blue sky day. Sometimes you just need to sit down, shut up and watch for a while.
This is Tily Whim, an old quarry.
(there is no colour correction here, the sail really was that pink)
Friday, 24 July 2009
Head to Head
From Durlston Head To Ballard Head, with Peveril Point in the middle and Bournemouth in the background. Probably one of the most photographed views on the Purbeck, and one of my favourites.
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Liquid Gold
Another quiet walk this evening. Beautiful blue skies for a change, but still very windy. Lots of noises coming from the hedgerows, and just quick views of Roe deer and Foxes as they begin to wake up.
The cliffs are the best place to be went it is windy. The noise of the waves crashing against the rocks is incredible. I can spend hours here, just watching the world go by, especially in the evening when they are almost deserted.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Opportunistic Scavenger
"Magpies will eat anything once they have discovered it is edible."
The young often bite off more than they can chew.....
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Rain Stopped Play
No walk tonight because of the rain. I don't mind getting wet, but it plays havoc with the camera. I am always frustrated when I can't get out, I feel trapped and I just can't settle.Still, it could be worse....
Monday, 20 July 2009
Just Keep Hanging On
Just a short walk tonight, following the old paths to the cliffs at Durlston. A very quiet evening, the wind that we have had all day has dropped, probably the calm before the storm. I think we may be in for some rain. Not a lot going on, but it was good to see the resident family of Kestrels keeping close together. The youngsters still screeching at the mother, seemingly unable to fully break into the adult world.
The usual suspects flying along the cliffs, Greater Blackbacks and Herring Gulls making a lot of noise, with the more subdued Shags watching the world go by. No Badgers about tonight, but a big, fat Rabbit sat at the entrance to the set.
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Nine Barrow Down
We had a very windy morning walk along Nine Barrow Down today, looking for fossils in the chalk. Although the views are always incredible, giving you the choice of looking across Poole harbour or inland towards Tynham, we didn't manage to find much.
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Saturday Evening
It was very quiet tonight. After a day of quiet gusty winds everything was lovely and calm, if a little overcast.
Plenty to see though, three Roe deer were out and about, two males and a female, a couple of Foxes and a Badger. Lots of birds too, making use of the last hours of daylight now that the wind had dropped. No sign of the Kestrels or Peregrines up on the cliffs, but there were plenty of sea birds and it was good to see that the little Greater Blackbacked Gull chick is thriving.
Durlston Badgers
It has taken me years to get this shot, all the Badgers I have seen (and there haven’t been many) have preferred to stay in the gloom of the late night woods. But with this young Badger so close, I had to keep remembering to take pictures. I spent about 10 minutes with this one before he trundled back to the hedgerow.
One Eye Open
I really like seeing Herring Gulls, but then I am not a Herring!. This was taken on the cliffs at Durlston this morning.
One of the young Kestrels sat on the cliffs at Durlston this evening. After watching these a couple of nights ago, I just had to go back for more. The light was a bit better and it was less windy but I didn't have a lot of time
I'm Hungreeeeeey
A bit of a late walk to the cliffs so the light wasn't great, but I had a fine time watching Mother Kestrel and the twins. I managed to get plenty of shots, including one of the Peregrines, but I am not sure if they are clear enough. One of the chicks was busy ripping a Vole apart but he had his back to me for most of time, which was a shame. And while all this was going on, a Tawny Owl was hooting away in the trees.
Lady in Red
I have been meaning to post this one for a while now. I took it about six weeks ago when she came very close. I have seen her since, but I haven't managed to get any shots. I haven't seen her cubs yet either, and I would have thought they would be out and about by now.
I'm Hungry!!
Another shot of the feeding Whitethroats. I got the light a little better on this one, I think, but a bit of Sun would have been nice. I really like the look on the youngsters face.
Just Enough Curiosity
Well, what a difference a couple of weeks make. The last time I saw this little chap he was tiny. Mum was nearby and was happy for me to sit down for a while so he could be a little more adventurous perhaps. The Sun was out and it was a beautiful morning, but I couldn't get him to leave the gloom of the ferns. Next time, maybe.
Mother & Child
I got too close to this Sika. She was in the gloom of the woodland and I didn’t see her until it was too late. I backed off to a safe distance, took a shot and left her alone. I always try to steer clear of the fawns, as any disturbance can scare the mother off for good. The sound of the youngster crying for its mother is terrible.
Close Encounter
This young lady just made my day. I spent a little while with her this evening and she seemed quite happy. Then, obviously bored with me, she wandered off into the gloom back to her cubs. It was lovely to see such a healthy wild Fox, I look forward to meeting her family.
Fur or Feathers
So impossibly white, this beautiful Swan looked as if it had fur instead of feathers. We watched her for about half an hour while she preened herself and she still wasn't finished.
Starling Darling?
The end of another beautiful blue sky day. I managed to pop out for a little while, after work today, to look for Owls. No luck yet, but I did come across these Starlings hanging on the line.
Golden Glow Award
This one is from a few days ago when a had a bit of a Squirrel frenzy, He was very active, maybe he had Readybreak for breakfast?
Short Eared Owl
The Short Eared Owls at Durlston allowed me to get very close and It was a real pleasure photographing them.
Roe buck
Benny and I suprised this Roe buck. I can't go walking without him, it wouldn't be right. Sometimes he scares animals away, sometimes he distracts them for just long enough! These Roe deer are very timid, so he did well.
Quiet but never silent.
I missed the Sun this morning, not because I was late but because the early wander was done and dusted by the time the clouds cleared. When...

Slip, Slide And Away , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. These are the kind of shots I would have liked of the wild ...
This morning we headed for the cliffs as the sky was clearer than it had been and it looked as if the day was going to stay that way. On...
The Last Post , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. Plenty of little birds around today, but not too many were willing...