I bumped into a group of five Roe deer yesterday, and two things struck me. First, no matter how loudly I coughed they didn't look up and secondly that this small group made up 15 % of the Purbeck population. I am used to seeing two or three in one place, but not five! Just hope the local poachers are not as lucky as I was.....
The Isle of Purbeck is a peninsula on the southern tip of the the county of Dorset in England. The photographs I take, hopefully, help to express how I feel about this magical place and show you things which you may see if you come to visit. I am a full time, professional photographer and have a gallery in Swanage. Please feel free to click on the picture to see it larger or to look at my other photographs. www.purbeckfootprints.co.uk
Monday, 28 December 2009
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Private Pool
Another shot from Dancing Ledge showing the swimming pool. The stone has been removed to the level of the old sea bed and a pool was made to serve one of the local private schools. Every now and again the pool was drained, the rocks, Crabs and Conger Eels removed and everything would be fine. It hasn't been emptied for a while, so if you go for a swim be sure to count your toes when you get out.
Stricktly Dancing
Just one destination today and that was Dancing Ledge, an old quarry cut from the Purbeck cliffs. I have been meaning to get here for a while, but I keep getting sidetracked. The weather was perfect today and the company wasn't too bad either. Just me, Benny and a solitary Magpie that stayed with us almost all of the way there and then joined us foir the return trip.
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Through The Rain
This is the other way on to the Isle of Purbeck, the Sandbanks ferry. The journey across the mouth of Poole Harbour is not the longest in the world, but it is nice to be cut off from the real world sometimes. This was taken just after the rainbow and as the rain was still falling.
Pot Of Gold
This is one of the finest views on the Purbeck, looking north from Nine Barrow Down across the heath to Poole Harbour. After the rain came the sun and that can mean only one thing.
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Blacks & Browns
The humble Blackbird, sat in the gloom of the undergrowth, is always a good subject. There is so much more colour to these birds than, well, just black.
Easily Spotted
Not the finest use of camouflage in the animal kingdom, but quite pretty none the less. The Thrush is another 'common' bird that I struggle to take a decent shot of.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Let Sleeping Foxes Lie
I really get a buzz out of getting close to the local wildlife. But sometimes. instead of bugging them, you have just got to leave them alone. This perfect little Fox was enjoying the warmth of the Sun this morning and it would have been a shame to disturb her.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Chin Up
It won't long now before the Sika start to cast there antlers. They are incredibly proud of them and behave very differently after they have gone.
King Of The Hill
If you are the King, I suppose it doesn't matter too much what your hill is made of.
Robins are always a welcome sight, but sometimes they could help out a little more with the composition of a shot.
Friday, 18 December 2009
A Warm Glow
Another young Sika, about six months old and far too curious. I know this is similar to the last one but I just can't get enough of these.
Beautiful Therapy
After so long without being able to use my camera, I needed a day off for some therapy and there was really only one place to go. I spent about half an hour with this young Sika and her family this morning and loved every minute of it. In the end, I had to leave before hypothermia set in but I miss her already.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
The Last Rays
The late afternoon Sun just before it dropped below the Purbeck Hills as the clouds closed in.
There May Be Trouble Ahead
The clouds were building fast but as the Sun shone, Corfe Castle did too. Rising above the Isle of Purbeck for the best part of 1000 years the castle is always a good subject, but some days are better than others.
Benny & The Stick
I keep seeing pictures of dogs on Flickr and it makes me realise that I don't take enough pictures of mine. You may have seen Benny before, he is a rather insecure rescue Collie cross with a love of sticks. It has been mentioned that I would get more wildlife shots if I left him behind, but that can never happen. Once I start getting the boots on and he looks at me with those big, brown eyes he knows I'm not leaving him behind.
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Cliff Watch
Not the finest picture of a Peregrine, but it is the best I have got so far. Not an easy shot for me, the cliffs at Durlston face south, which means that for most of the day the Sun is in the wrong place. On a cloudy day, the slate grey bird disappears against a slate grey sea so that is no help at all. This morning though, I had at least 10 seconds to get it right, so no excuses.
Old Man's Beard
There are so many of these little fluffy seed heads around at the moment that the hedgerows look as if they are covered in frost. With the Sun behind them they seem to shine.
Monday, 7 December 2009
The Buck Stops Here
And he stayed here for quite a while, I wandered off before he did.
Yes, this is another Sika, taken a couple of days ago. I saw this chap from the road and spent a little time carefully trying to get close. As it happens, I could have driven up to him, played Faithless full blast on the stereo, sung along with it and he still wouldn't have run off.
Nature, is strange....
Saturday, 5 December 2009
At the top of the tree, keeping an eye on a things was this little Dunnock. One of my all time favourites, I had to stop taking shots when I reached about 50. I kind of got a bit carried away.....
Friday, 4 December 2009
Green On Green
There were several Green Woodpeckers around this morning. And just for a change, the light was pretty good.I had about half an hour before work and the early morning weather was perfect.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Just Great
A little bit of Sun makes everything look a little better. There were quite a few little birds around here today, but only one Great Tit, he was in very good condition though.
A Balanced Approach
In the middle of the industrial estate were I work somebody has put a bird feeder. I've never seen it before, but to be honest I haven't really looked. Quite handy really, only two minutes from my office, it gives me a chance to play with the camera when I haven't got a lot of time.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Back To The Blue
Well, the Sun didn't last too long, but before it disappeared altogether I managed to get a shot of this little Blue Tit. Another old faithful, during a time when I have barely been out. I'm getting so unfit that I'll need to have the emergency services put on standby next time I go for a proper wander.
Chasing The Sun
Today, I managed to point the camera at something alive without getting wet! Even though time is not on my side at the moment I quite like this one. Taken just before we lost the Sun again and during a much too brief lunch break, I just cannot resist a Robin. They are one of those special creatures that always make me smile.
Sunday, 29 November 2009
It turned out quite nice for about a minute and a half this afternoon. In between the torrential rain and hail storms, there was ample opportunity to take at least three shots. I don't know what I am complaining about.
Rain Tree Crow
Looking pretty well hacked off with the whole weather thing, this solitary Crow just stood there while the heavens opened. But then, so did I...
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Curious Company
We finally had a little Sun today. Not a lot, but enough for me to test my trigger finger. Rock Pipits are another favourite of mine and an all too willing subject. I think I was invading his space a little but he calmed down when he realised I was just there to escape for while.
This is a favourite place for me too.
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Busted, Again...
I'm still really struggling to get much time with the camera, so I was extra pleased to find this young lad. On his own, as the light was failing, I was also pleased that Roe Deer tend to freeze for a while before they leg it.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Rainy Days & Sundays
I start to get a little stir crazy when the weather is bad at the weekend. Robins and Squirrels help, they seem to be available for photoshoots however bad it gets.
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Familiar Squirrel
With the weather being politly classed as changeable, getting out with the camera is not easy. So, I resort to the places where I know I can get at least a few shots. I think I have seen this Grey Squirrel before, he isn't very shy and makes a great subject.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Looking Back
Another shot justas the Sun was setting and another Sika. No matter how many I see or how close I get (and you can get quite close to some of these) I never get bored. Just sitting against a tree, spending time with them is a great way to wind down.
Pheasant Season
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Dark Blue
I'm not getting a great deal of time to use the camera during the week but I did manage to catch this little chap. On a bright blue sky day it takes real talent to find the only Blue Tit that preferres to sit in the shade and not the Sun.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Single Gold
I normally see Goldfinches in large groups but this one was on his own. A youngster I think and not in the best of condition but, believe it or not, my first shot of a Goldfinch.
Short Bird, Long Legs
I very rarely manage to get antwhere near Little Egrets and today, after jumping from the car to catch a quick shot, the light was terrible.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
More Long Tales
I can go an and on about Long Tailed Tits for ages, they are one of my favourite birds. They way they roll through the trees, in a gang of about twelve birds this time, is great to watch.
Formation Flying
There were not many birds to be seen out at sea, but this group of Shags were flying quite close to the cliffs this morning. Great to see and an almost prehistoric looking bird.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Tilly Whim
The Day The Rain Hurt
With the wind topping out at 65mph and the sound of the waves clearly booming in the distance there was only one place to be. The cliffs at Durlston were taking the full force of the weather and the effect is always impressive.
When the sea is like this, there is an insane little voice at the back of my head screaming 'CANOE'...
Friday, 13 November 2009
It is nice getting a profile and a full face in the same shot, even though the mist meant that this is not as clear as I would have liked. There were three Sika Does in this little group and a couple of youngsters (the Stag was the chap in the photo I posted a couple of days ago).
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Nice Weather For Gulls
Apparently, there may be some Sun at the weekend. Something we have been lacking down here for a while, not good for business or pleasure. Still, as long as there are Black Headed Gulls willing to pose for a minute or two I shouldn't get withdrawal symptoms.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Ivy's Fireworks
There is a lot of Ivy about and a lot of little explosions. I have far too many shots of these, so I thought I would post one without a bug on it.
Posh Goose
You don't get too many Egyptian tourists around here but then, all of a sudden, there were two. I'm afraid they made the Mallards look a bit dull.
Monday, 9 November 2009
Meet The Boss
Not the big boss, but he did have a small harem. It is great being able to get close to these Sika but they are quick to let you know if you have got too close. Still a bit misty to get a really clear shot, but I haven't shaken my Sika addiction yet. So consider yourselves lucky that I don't post them all...
Green & Brown
Perfectly coloured to blend in with her surroundings the Sika winter coat is a lot duller than the summer one. Even so, they are very pretty animals with the most expressive faces.
Misty Mornings
I find watching the Sika (even when I have a time limit) really special, almost spiritual. When The Purbeck is shrouded in mist and the early morning Sun just can't burn its way through, it takes the experience to a totally diffeent level.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Rock Hopper
A wander to Durlston Bay had to be cut short today because of rough seas and a high tide. As usual, we were joined by a handfull of these little Rock Pippets. Not bad company.
Dusty Wasp
My second attempt at a bug shot. Hopefully this one wont land me on the DEFRA most wanted list. There can't be anything sinister about Wasps surely!
Quiet but never silent.
I missed the Sun this morning, not because I was late but because the early wander was done and dusted by the time the clouds cleared. When...

Slip, Slide And Away , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. These are the kind of shots I would have liked of the wild ...
This morning we headed for the cliffs as the sky was clearer than it had been and it looked as if the day was going to stay that way. On...
The Last Post , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. Plenty of little birds around today, but not too many were willing...