Whenever I am scrambling around at the bottom of the cliff, there always seems to be a Rock Pipit.
Another one of my favourites and a nbird that I can take far too many pictures of.
The Isle of Purbeck is a peninsula on the southern tip of the the county of Dorset in England. The photographs I take, hopefully, help to express how I feel about this magical place and show you things which you may see if you come to visit. I am a full time, professional photographer and have a gallery in Swanage. Please feel free to click on the picture to see it larger or to look at my other photographs. www.purbeckfootprints.co.uk
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Rocks And Blue Skies
Chiff Chat
Another pair, this time of Chiffchafs, chirped to each other repeating the same song over and over again.
(At this time of year I always get Chiffchafs and Willow Warblers mixed up, so if this is a Willow Warbler let me know and please think of a new title).
Friday, 30 March 2012
One of seven Roe deer that we saw last night and this one looked a little heavy!
A new arrival in a little while perhaps?
1000 Years of Progress?
Corfe Castle is probably the most photographed building around here, even though it is a bit of a fixer-uper!
Looking North from Encombe you can see just how far we have 'progressed' over the last 1000 years or so!
Did Someone Mention Game Casserole?
Even though the Pheasant season is over, they still have a wonderfully surprised expression!
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Hares & Graces
I am really enjoying the evening walks this week, the weather is just about perfect and there is so much going on.
Last nights bonus was a couple of Hares near one of our more expensive estates.
I managed to spend a little time following them from a distance, but with Hares this posh, you have to be polite!
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Evening Greens
I have really missed being able to get out in the evenings and now the clocks have been played with I get the chance.
One of the noisiest birds last night was the Wren.
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
The Last Of The Light
Anvil Point Lighthouse just as the Sun set behind the hills.
For me, this time of the day is just about perfect.
The Sun was going down and it was time to sit, watch and wait. Two Roe deer passed by, a Tawny Owl was making itself heard in the trees and bats chased the insects overhead.
To make the evening perfect, a single Badger passed by with his mind on other things.
As the clocks have forward I have finally got time to get out and about in the evenings.
A few days ago we found a new (to us) Badger set and so last night we sat and watched as the sun went down.
Almost on que, a Badger wandered past and completely ignored us. Not enough light for a photograph, but a superb end to a beautiful walk.
Monday, 26 March 2012
Mr & Mrs
There are plenty of Stonechats around at the moment and some are pairing up nicey.
Even so, it took me quite a while to get both the male and female in one shot.
Locally Common?
Just about everywhere I go at the moment (providing there is a Gorse bush) there seems to be Dartford Warblers.
Is it just me, or are there more this year?
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Two In A Bush
Having half a dozen Green Woodpeckers circling and making there distinctive call is enough to wind anybody up.
I couldn't get close to any of them and spent far too much time folowing at a distance.
This is quite a close crop...
Local Knowledge
Thanks to a little bit of infomation from a young lady I managed to catch up with a few Yellowhammers. Not very easy to get close to though and I was distracted by more Green Woodpeckers than I have ever seen in one place before.
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Collecting Shells
During a beautiful morning walk along the cliffs where we had superb views of a Peregrine, another Seal and my first Bee Fly of the year, I wondered why I bothered to take my camera.
Sometimes I just can't get the focus right and just about every shot was rubbish!
So, this afternoon I headed out again to see if I could improve!
The first target was a small group of Shelducks that was was practising take-offs and landings.
This shot came from a drive by when I saw two Foxes sniffing around in a field. I jump managed to dump the car and snap off a couple of shots before I was discovered and she disappeared.
My first shot of a Fox for a while.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Sun Burn
Squirrels are always fun to watch and make a fine subject for target practise.
Just like a London bus, if you miss the first one another will turn up soon.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Scruffy Young Lad
The Sika are starting to lose there winter coats and so look a little untidy!
Looking cool is always important to young lads and that is not easy when you are having a bad hair day that lasts several weeks!
Not A Macro
I have seen a small number of butterflies this year, but I haven't been able to close to any of them. I took a couple of shots of this Peacock with my big lens just in case it flew off.
I still haven't been able to get close, it flew off!
Monday, 19 March 2012
Best Foot Forward
You have to be careful when wandering along the banks of Poole Harbour. One false move and you are up to your knees (if you're lucky) in mud.
It is surprising that the Little Egret manages to keep so clean and white!
Right Angles
Every now and again I stumble across a creature that just seems to want to play. Today, my new best friend was a Nuthatch and we spent the best part of an hour together.
I took dozens of shots of this chap (most were out of focus) in just about every position he could get in.
Great fun.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Old Favourites
This mornings walk took us along the high ridge path westward towards Dancing Ledge. Apart from the stunning views (at times you have a near 270 degree view of the sea) there was plenty af action. Along with the Dartfords and Stonechats was a Dunnock, one of my favourite birds.
Smaller Targets
There were plenty of small birds to focus on today and they really do make fine targets.
Amongst these was a small troop of Long Tailed Tits, another favourite and a beautiful little bird
Just for a change we took the lesser used tracks to get us closer to the cliff edge. At this time of year they are used by climbers as well as Deer and Foxes but they are no good if you are scared of heights.
All was quiet until a Seal popped his head out of the water, looked at us and just as quickly disappeared below the waves. There was only time for three shots and, of course, the sun was hidden by a big black cloud.
Stonechats are everywhere at the moment but I had no luck with a very striking (but out of focus) male and so settled for this young lady.
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Sitting Pretty
There were a few Fulmarstaking the air at Durlston, but only one sat quite nicely watching the world go by.
Splash Down
Looking very posh in there finest Black and White, a group of Razorbills were rudely interupted by a rather common Guillemot!
not the best weather for photographs but, after a week of cold turkey, I just had to get out.
Watching the sea birds from the cliffs at Durlston is the perfect tonic.
Friday, 16 March 2012
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Songs From The Cliff Top
The Dartford Warbler is another little bird that I just can't get enough of. Lovely to listen too and great fun to follow, we saw at least twenty seperate birds on our wander along the cliffs this morning.
Mighty Hunter
My first Spider of the year and he was a lively little chap.
Not the largest pedator either, but well worth a shot or two.
An Enquiring Mind
It doesn't take too much to keep me amused and these chaps found the task pretty easy. A small troop of Long Tailed Tits spent a while being blurred and out of focus until one sat still long enough for me to take a proper shot.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Birth of a Rainbow
Seeming to appear from below the waves in Durlston Bay a rainbow took shape and began to stretch towards the clouds. It didn't manage to get very far before it faded and disappeared forever.
Changeable Weather
After the rain of the weekend we have had two days of beautiful sunshine but of course, I am at work.
These two shots were taken from Durlston Head looking north across two bays to Old Harry and Bournemouth beyond.
Regardless of the rain, there is always something very special about watching storm clouds.
Monday, 5 March 2012
Light On A Rainy Day
Taken yesterday morning on a particularly dull and wet wander.
Unable to leave the camera at home (just in case I see stuff...Lions, Tigers etc...) I rely on my trusty blue carrier bag to keep the rain off.
Not a great deal around, but tucked away deep under the trees was a small patch of Daffodiddies adding much needed colour to a big old grey morning.
Sunday, 4 March 2012
More Worm Whispering
I am really starting to lose patience with these chaps! Even my best wounded worm impression was not enough to get the Fieldfares to come closer.
Such a lovely little bird, with fantastic markings but they just wont stay still!
Hidden Mandarin
I have only seen Mandarins on ornamental ponds before and was more then a little suprised to stumble across this one near a lake with plenty of overhanging trees and bushes.
Not really a bird I know much about, which is apparent when you read the RSPB website and it says '(The Mandarin) Likes lakes with plenty of overhanging trees and bushes'...
Saturday, 3 March 2012
More Flypasts
Plenty of action along the cliffs this morning, but I was really after a shot of the Fulmars.
I can watch these birds for hours, they seem to fly just for the fun of it and let's face it, if you could, you would!
Life On The Ledge
The Guillemot Ledge below the cliff path at Durlston is becoming a very busy place. At this time of year there really is only one des res fit for an up and coming young sea bird. The smell can be a little rich, but I must admit the view is pretty good.
Location, Location, Location
It is not easy getting a view of the Guillemot Ledge from the cliff top, it involves a little bit of leaning and carefull footwork.
The first step isn't too bad, but you really don't want to take the second step, it is a biggy.
One of my favourite little birds, probably because they always seem happy to pose.
This Dunnock however, decided to stay behind a twig!
Quiet but never silent.
I missed the Sun this morning, not because I was late but because the early wander was done and dusted by the time the clouds cleared. When...

Slip, Slide And Away , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. These are the kind of shots I would have liked of the wild ...
The Last Post , a photo by julian sawyer - Purbeck Footprints on Flickr. Plenty of little birds around today, but not too many were willing...
Following on from yesterday's Snow Bunting photoshoot which took place under grey cloudy skies, I decided to make full use of today'...